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How to network and switch careers

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Many people believe they're too old to leave their job or that they have reached the end of their careers. The fact is, nearly half of US workers have made a major career change in their lifetimes. A transition like this is possible at around 39 years of age. It is possible to make career changes easier by using many different methods. Continue reading to learn how to make a career change easier and what your passions are.

Opportunities at your current job

No matter if you're thinking of changing careers, finding new opportunities at your current job will give you great experience and help boost your motivation. It is important to evaluate your abilities, interests, and experiences and then find the best opportunities for promotion. Talk to a Career Coach if you're not sure where to start. A career coach helps you to identify your true passion and find similar jobs. Related jobs are jobs that require the same skills as your qualifications. You may even be able move into a related position without additional training.

Another great way to find opportunities at your current job when switching careers is to take on a volunteer position. These positions often do not require financial sacrifice. It is also possible to take on a different role within your current company such as a marketing position.

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Networking in your preferred industry

To network for a job, the first step is to make a list with your contacts in your industry. This list should include contact information for potential employers, people who may be able to help you, aswell as professional associations and organizations. After compiling your list, you should write down the contact details of these people. You should also list your goals for networking. Next, list the people that may be able or willing to help.

You should also network with your ex-colleagues when looking for a new job. Your former bosses, professors, or supervisors may know people working in the same industry as you, and could be able to refer you to employers. Likewise, attending industry events is another great way to network with people who are working in the industry you are interested in.

Find your passions

To achieve your goals, it is essential to identify your passions. Your passions are what makes you happy. You should strive to be able to do both and make a living doing them. The key to pursuing your passions is to be motivated and persistent. Your efforts will pay off in the end.

There are many ways to discover your passion. There are many ways to explore your passions, including hobbies, politics, current affairs, and even animals. Even better, you can explore your interests by asking what motivates you to do this.

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You get paid what your worth

You might consider changing careers if you are struggling to reach your income goals. You might be stuck in a low paying industry or in a job that is in decline. This is when it may be worth learning new skills in order to change to a more lucrative job.

While salary is important and important, you should also consider benefits. Benefits go well beyond the paycheck. They can save you money over the short term as well increase your wealth. Many jobs provide perks like tuition reimbursement or child care assistance. Some also offer more time off. Be sure to ask prospective employers for a statement outlining the cost and value of the perks you'll receive.


How to network and switch careers